Hello people,
I am totally new in the world of energy monitor stuff. Some time ago i stumbled upon a site where they sell hardware and some software to read out your smart meters. I was planning to buy hardware from this site but then i came across openenergy.org and the Emoncms implementation. This really caught my attention. I still intent to buy the hardware from that site but i am curious if it will work with the ssytems provided on this open energy project builds.
Please if somebody can advice:
Energy meters reader gas and electric from the P1 port with a P1-ETH V4 Converter Module (ETHERNET)
And for the water meter the S0 Pulse Counter Module (5 Poorten) (USB)
This website also provides software for the hardware.
So my questions are;
What kind of standards are used
Can you implement existing software to the open energy monitor
Link of the website: (in dutch)
Best regards,
Re: Compatible hardware
It's very very easy!
When building this device and integrating it with open energy monitor I explored several options but my final recommendation is to just build a simple script that collects the info from your sensors via the included software and loads it into the emoncms feeds by querying the appropriate URL.. E.g. wget http://microhydroelectric.ca/emoncms/feed/update.json?id=0&value=100.0. To update the value for feed #0, don't forget to add your read/write key to the end though... More info under the feeds->API help page. On your emoncms dashboard.
If you need help writing a script let me know, I can help!