help to understand input process..

I'm getting crazy to know how input processing  works...

I'm have only 1 CT sensor located on my grid, and the power is positive when il caming from the grid to the house, and negative when is out from the house  to the grid...

I am trying to separate out the imported power and exported power, so I can display them independently.

So.. I would like to long in a feed this data :

- 'Enel' Power calculate from the CT

-consumo' is energy in kwh/d taken from the grid

- 'totale consumato'  is amount on energy taken from the grid

-immesso' is energy in kwh/d out to the grid

-totale immesso' is the amount of energy send out to the grid


For do this i try to use 'allow positive' and  'allownegative' process...  without success

With my process list 'immesso' and 'totale immesso' still always at zero...

thanks at all and sorry for my english....

ukmoose's picture

Re: help to understand input process..

This isn't the complete answer but will hopefully get you started.


You will need to change your sketch on EmonTX to output the same value twice.

Then  in EmonCMS one input make only positive, the second input you can make negative.  


If you can get this working we are a step closer ;-)


fcattaneo's picture

Re: help to understand input process..

Thanks for your solution, it sure works fine.

I found this other option that seems to work well.

I need to enter another line in the process list before 'Allow negative' statement....   the +input statement where input is the same input of process list ( in my case is Wfv input ).

Probably the season is this ....:

When the input switch to negative value,  the result at point 4 in the process list is always at zero.

If i put +input statement i recharge the value of the input and i can continue to the process..



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