I am trying to calibrate my current sensor and i am getting very different results
compared to a wall killawatt and a DMM.
Using some resistive loads all three meters are displaying allmost the same values (range 0.15A and 7A),
but when i measure my laptop the measurements go way off :
-killawatt and the multimeter 0.10A-0.15A
-my sensor 0.20-0.25A
where does this error come from? is there somethig wrong with the multimeter or the killawatt (like not having a true rms value) or is something wrong in my design.
I am also curios to know if anyone else has done some similar tests
Re: strange readings
this is caused by the laptop SMPS drawing current in a non-constant way creating a non sinusoidal AC waveform. Check out the photos here: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/16