I ported the current version of the emonTx firmware to my NanodeRF (no RF) + emonTxShield.
My code is here: https://github.com/finklabs/emonTxFirmware/blob/master/emonTxShield/Shie...
It is now basically working after adding all the Serial.print(F(...)) statements.
One strange thing I noticed is that the Ethernet connection fails once I activate the LEDpin (9). This is really strange since EtherCard is using pin 8 by default.
Any ideas?
Re: NanodeRF emonTxShield LEDpin 9 conflict with EtherCard
I would recommend you use the emonTx Shield firmware examples on the shield since the calibrations for the different value burden resistors used on the emonTx Shield are already in place: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware/tree/master/emonTxShield