Mk2 pv router with arduino for 240v, testing issues

I am currently trying to complete the mk2 router for an assignment.

I am at the testing phase but there are a few things that I don't understand.

  1. I have run these tools
    "run the MinAndMaxValues tool to check that the ADC’s output values are scaled appropriately for the values of voltage and current that are to be measured (80-90% of full scale is ideal). A second tool, RawSamplesTool, provides a one-shot display of the samples that are taken during a single mains cycle"
    But I am not sure what full scale is (1024?). And is this with the CT's dangling free?
  2. "run 'Tallymode' in any of the later sketches to check/adjust the calibration for power"
    I know how to enable "tallymode" in the sketch, but I dont understand the rest of that sentence. Is there documentation for how to use "Tallymode"?
  3. At the point of testing, should the triac be non conductive between line and load when 1 & 2 of the moc are disconnected? I have wired in my electric kettle (resistance of 25ohms) but it is on when the arduino is unpowered. I assume that this is a problem and that there is a problem with my circuit. Is the digram here appropriate for 240v? Do I need to increase the resistance between A2 and 6 from 360 to the point at which the triac switches off?

Big thanks!

adrigen's picture

Re: Mk2 pv router with arduino for 240v, testing issues

Here are my calibration results

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Mk2 pv router with arduino for 240v, testing issues

I haven't used Robins tools much, so I can't answer (2).
(1) This tool is designed to show up obvious faults in the input circuitry. If you see a sensible voltage wave that's roughly centred and not clipping, and the current(s) too are roughly centred, then your input front end is probably OK.
(3) Your kettle should definitely be off in those circumstances. You have a fault somewhere that needs rectifying. The circuit is for 240 V, and you shouldn't change any of the values (which are according to the data sheet anyway).

[Edit] The numbers copied from the external site:
analog pin 1 min max 510 511
analog pin 1 min max 511 511

cycle count 252
samples during mains cyle 65

minVoltage 161
maxVoltage 839

minCurrent 327
maxCurrent 672

calypso_rae's picture

Re: Mk2 pv router with arduino for 240v, testing issues

As Robert says, if there is no signal at the input to the MOC3041, the triac (and your kettle) should be off.  If you have connected your triac with its A1 and A2 connections the wrong way around, that could explain why it is always on.

adrigen's picture

Re: Mk2 pv router with arduino for 240v, testing issues

Dear Calypso_rae ,

I have indeed connected A1 and A2 the wrong way around.



calypso_rae's picture

Re: Mk2 pv router with arduino for 240v, testing issues

I have indeed connected A1 and A2 the wrong way around.

So have I, quite often, until I started using a PCB :)

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