Multiple nodes to monitor outages and power quality on a grid?


I am looking to set up multiple nodes to monitor outages and power quality on a grid.  Since daily four-hour outages are common, each node needs to have some kind of battery backup and data storage capability/error checking.  It would be helpful to have both selective graphing capability(ie choose the nodes to graph) and full download capability for the data.  The system could use Arduinos or old Android phones(for example), and cost/scalability are very important factors.

What system architecture can you recommend?


(Edit: Wifi is available at the locations but is not reliable during power outages.)

pb66's picture

Re: Multiple nodes to monitor outages and power quality on a grid?

Hi daveed

Not a lot of specifics provided so it difficult to recommend anything, emonCMS will provide graphing, scalability and data downloads no problem, emonCMS can be hosted remotely or locally to suit your application.

You haven't mentioned communications at all, is there a wired or wireless network? is internet available? is it still available during power outages? is it reliable when there is power? 

EmonTx's will run on batteries and report using rf if an emonbase is within range, an emonbase can be a Pi running on an un-interruptable power supply (or just a battery and charger).

During power outages do the emontx's need to continue reporting? emontx v3 will run on the ac adapter used for ac measurement.

For a wider coverage the same "scalable" solution can be used either in the form of several small networks as above or for very widely spaced nodes multiple emontx & emonbase pairs could be used.

if the emonbase(s) run just emonHub that would report to a remote emonCMS and provide a data buffer to cover shorter power outages and network outages. emonCMS can also be installed locally which would provide data retention during longer outages (battery permitting) but if you have multiple emoncms installs you lose the ability to access, report and/or compare all nodes together. Various combinations and variants can be created for your specific needs, like local & remote emoncms on each emonbase to give central remote emoncms with the security of a second set of data locally or you could make one of a network of emonbases a master to create a single local dataset

A lot of these points were discussed on


daveed's picture

Re: Multiple nodes to monitor outages and power quality on a grid?


Thank you very much for your reply.  Yes, Wifi is available at the locations but is not reliable during power outages.  Outlets are standard US-type.

Thanks, I will look into the information you mention.  Regards.

daveed's picture

Re: Multiple nodes to monitor outages and power quality on a grid?

Is it correct that these three pieces of hardware will suffice?

Nanode RF
emonTx V3 - Electricity Monitoring Transmitter Unit - Fully Assembled
AC-AC Power Supply Adapter - AC voltage


What else do I need to make sure I have available?  Thanks!

pb66's picture

Re: Multiple nodes to monitor outages and power quality on a grid?

Excuse for the late reply I missed your post,

I'm not sure the NanodeRF is the best choice if you intend to use WiFi, as it uses a wired Ethernet connection.

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