Can someone please explain, how the interval work with the incoming data?
Average Intervall 10 seconds.
sec 0: Value: 10
sec 8: Value: 5
sec 9: Value: 10
How the Intervall count this data?
So, dies it depends of the time/value OR only the values?
Thank you
Re: Unterstanding Intervall from feeds
The incoming data will update at what ever intervals you send it at, if your emonTx, for example is transmitting every 5 secs it will (usually) arrive and update the input and any feeds on that inputs process chain every 5secs.
The feeds will only create a datapoint and record the current value to the database at the interval chosen at feed creation. the 2 intervals are totally independent both in duration and trigger time.
Re: Unterstanding Intervall from feeds
Thank you for your info.
Guess my english is not good enough to unterstand your answer.
It seems that he store the highest value in an intervall periode.
But made some test more.