wired electricity sensing from a new assembled emon tx

I just get a emon tx 2.2 kits, and assembled them today. 

I have loaded the emonTx_123.ino, it works. But what is wired to me, is even there is no CT sensor on the three CT1, the output can still shown out in Serial. and sometimes, I only hooked the CT sensor to the CT1 port, it showed 0, while the other port can get something.

What went wrong to me

TrystanLea's picture

Re: wired electricity sensing from a new assembled emon tx

That seems fine, it will still attempt to measure from an empty port if the CT channels are enabled in software.

helxsz's picture

Re: wired electricity sensing from a new assembled emon tx

So how do I know which value is the good value? 

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: wired electricity sensing from a new assembled emon tx

You should disable reading from the CT channels that you don't require. 

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