Hardware, Software, IDE and libraries - Compatibility

Once again appologies if this is explained or answered somewhere but I am struggling to establish the latest, compatible build for an EmonBase.

I have built a Nanode RF with an 868Mhz RF unit, I am using a Version 1 IDE, and using what I think is the latest Ethershield (thiseldo-EtherShield-3793b4c) and  I have succesfully got one or two examples to work including the MAC reader (thiseldo-NanodeMAC-4ad237f).

When I try other programs I get compiling errors associated with 'wire.write/send' which I think are due to incorrect or missing libraries. I also noticed that some some programs are not yet modified to work with the V1 IDE although the rest are.

So what I need is a definitive 'build' list for the EmonBase which I can start from, (a baseline.) If anybody can just tell me what they are using to get to started it would be a great help.

I also noticed that I'll need to modify a statement regarding the frequency of the RF unit. Any help with this would also be greatly appreciated.


glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Hardware, Software, IDE and libraries - Compatibility

The emonBase sketches are up on our github. We have moved to using the JeeLabs EtherCard library since the EtherShield library is not supported any more. See the readme for the download location: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/nanodeRF

Yes, you will need to change the frequency in the sketch to 868Mhz

Technomoor's picture

Re: Hardware, Software, IDE and libraries - Compatibility

Thank you for the answer. I knew it must be there but I hadn't picked up on the change of the Ethershield library.


I assume I substiture the frequency i.e. replace 433 with 868?



glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Hardware, Software, IDE and libraries - Compatibility

 Yes, that's correct 

Technomoor's picture

Re: Hardware, Software, IDE and libraries - Compatibility

I have succesfully compiled and loaded NanodeRF_singleCT and all seems to work - I am getting the date and time back onto the serial monitor so assume that the rest will be fine one I've built the Emon TX.

 So thank you for the help.

I am not sure I have worked out the differences between the various examples you have provided but no doubt that will emerge.

 I will lert it run for a while to see how stable it is.

 As my next step is the EmonTX is that much the same?



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