Hi guys.
I'm having serious problems with setup, I can't receive anything in my remote account from emoncms (also, my RFM12Pi don't flash).
I've created some nodes using the API, but I can't get them to update, so I'm not receiving any data at all.
My setup:
On the emonBase side I'm running: a Raspberry Pi [Model B.512] with a RFM12Pi [433Mhz] using the oem_gateway22oct2013 image.
On the emonTx side i'm running: an Arduino UNO [using Shield_CT1234.ino file from emonTxShield examples] with an emonTx Shield (v1.0) connected to two CT sensors.
Configs & Status:
Base side:
- I've installed the oemgateway image following this guide: http://emoncms.org/site/docs/raspberrypigateway
- The RFM12Pi lights only blinks when I power up the raspi.
- I've change the current settings in the oemgateway.conf file: [SGROUP = 210, FREQUENCY = 4, BASEID= 15 ]
- I've switch RPI on, kill the process for debug purposes and started by hand - you can see the output in the screenshots.
EmonTX side:
- Current settings are[FREQ RF12_433MHZ, NODEID = 10, NETWORKGROUP = 210]
- The emonTx Shield LED blinks, and you can see the result in the screenshot from serial monitor.
Can anyone help me solving this problem? I've attached a lot of screenshots.
Thank you.
Re: Solved - Unable to communicate [UNO+EmonTX Shield with Raspi+RFM12Pi]
Solution: RFM12B Slave Select (SS) Solder Jumper Setting was soldered incorrectly.
Thank you all anyway!