I am running "Rock-solid RFM2Pi gateway solution" (http://harizanov.com/2013/08/rock-solid-rfm2pi-gateway-solution/) .. from the shop here http://shop.openenergymonitor.com/pre-loaded-raspberry-pi-gateway-4gb-sd...
Which seems to work extremely well.
The oemgateway.conf file contains the following, where sendtimeinterval is set to 60, but this *does not* appear to be doing the trick - the emonGLCD is not displaying the actual time. The Pi itself *is* OK and reports the time correctly.
# This listener manages the RFM2Pi module
type = OemGatewayRFM2PiListener
com_port = /dev/ttyAMA0
sgroup = 210
frequency = 4
baseid = 19
sendtimeinterval = 60
Anyone have any idea what might not be working ?
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
I believe it should work.
Things you can do:
- Activate logging in the gateway (see the doc on emoncms.org) and see what you get there. You may even modify python code to add prints.
- Instrument emonGLCD to see what is received and understand why it goes wrong.
Is it not just a matter of radio transmission ?
If anything is sent, it should be correctly formatted . There was an issue but it was corrected in september :
If the image still contains this bug, it should be updated.
Can you please check in the code and tell us ? You should see this
and not
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Thanks for the help.
I have the gateway in DEBUG mode (see below). Have also verified that the code in oemgatewaylistener.py is correct .. it's the former of the two versions above.
I must admit to not being 100% sure of the dataflow here. What is talking to what to get the time to the GLCD -- the gateway transmitting to the GLCD ?
I can see that all of the nodes seem to be active in that data is being received by the gateway from all three and then transmitted to emoncms.org .. 20 is the GLCD, 19 is an emonTH and 10 is an emonTX V3.
However, I see no debug messages relating to time (except the time interval ->>> 2014-01-09 12:39:36,160 INFO Setting send time interval to 60) and no evidence of log/debug traffic from the gateway to the GLCD.
Sorry, am a bit new to all of this. Baby steps !
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Yes, it goes gateway -> GLCD.
Happens here:
2014-01-09 12:39:39,204 DEBUG Broadcasting time: 12:39
Should work.
Could it be a radio link issue ? Maybe try to get the GLCD closer.
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Ah ! Thanks :) Good.
I've tried various locations for the GLCD .. at the moment (I am testing) it's < 1m from the gateway. I wondered if that was actually too close, so have tried further away too. No luck so far. Also have rebooted gateway multiple times etc.
The GLCD *is* getting (and showing) the correct overall household power usage, so *is* capable of receiving that data wirelessly. But I guess that is
Is it possible that the gateway is really not transmitting the time, or that the GLCD is not recieving it (and if it is, simply not displaying).
What to check first, would you recommend.
Thanks ever so for the help. Really appreciated. Am pleased (so far) that it's not me being an idiot !
Poking about I can see the following code in the Arduino Sketch ..
(Have added underline, bold). Now 10 *is* the NodeID of the emonTX, but what is emonBase node ID? -- is that referring to the Gateway ? There is nothing, as far as I know at 15). The oemgateway.conf says baseid = 19 (but I already have an emonTH on that node)
So, should I set baseid = 25 (for example) in the oemgateway.conf file and also change this line in the Arduino sketch to match ? (i.e. node_id == 25)
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Yep, that did it. I set them both to 25 and now I have the actual time :)
Yay !
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Well spotted.
We should settle with a common default base ID for both the gateway and the sketch examples.
I don't remember why I set it at 19 in the config file of the gateway.
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
At least this was on the simpler end of what might have been wrong ! And *easy* to fix :)
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Hello, i am Italian.
Sorry for my english.
It is also possible to transmit the full date the Raspberry?
I would like to display it on emonglcd.
This is the string to be changed, right?
self._ser.write("00,%02d,%02d,00,s" % (now.hour, now.minute))
Many Thanks!
Re: GLCD Not picking up time - using Pre-Loaded Raspberry Pi Gateway from OEM Shop
Your question is different to the question asked in this thread. Please could you open a new forum post with a title that explains what you are trying to do? e.g. "Trying to get GLCD to display date rather than time"
You are more likely to grab the attention of people who can help you.