EtherCard DNS issue and potential fix?

I had an issue this morning while trying to use the getDHCPandDNS example. It seemed to get the server ip the first time I would try to reach a particular domain, but after resetting and attempting to reach the same domain again it would fail.

I noticed that when it prints out the ip addresses after the dhcpSetup it would give me the following:

My IP:

I thought that as it was printing out my router ip address for the dns ip address there may be some mixup going on somehow, could it be due to my router hardware maybe?

If I set the DNS address manually after dhcp setup with:

static byte dnsip[] = {8,8,8,8};
ether.copyIp(ether.dnsip, dnsip);
ether.printIp("DNS IP: ", ether.dnsip);

dnsLookup then works reliably getting the server ip every time.

Just thought I would post this up in case its of any use, does anyone else have this issue?

I posted this up on the jeelabs forum here too