Hi All,
I'm having problems sending data to my econcms2 server using python. It works fine if I send the post requests using the browser. The following is my python code:
#! /usr/bin/python import sys import json import requests my_config = {'verbose': sys.stdout} data = {'temperature':'4.3'} data_json = json.dumps(data) payload = {'apikey': 'mykey', 'json': data_json} r = requests.get('http://myserver/emoncms2/api/post', data=json.dumps(payload), config=my_config) print r.status_code print r.content
Any ideas why I keep getting "valid write apikey required"? Cheers, Donal
Re: Sending data to econcms2 via Python
Hello Donal
Im afraid Im not familiar with python so cant be of much help. Could you put the apikey in with the URL?