I'm going to receive in a few days (hope not so much) some items from OpenEnergyMonitor's shop and I'm looking for a valid firmware to my setup.
I have (...will) an emonTx shield attached to my Arduino UNO, 4 CT Clamps, on board DS18B20, and TSL257 pulse meter. I'm looking for a valid firmware in https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware but I can't find it (at least in the description).
Any ideay? do I have to "create" my own sketch using this https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware info?
Thanks in advance!!
Re: Sketch for 4CT, temp and pulse
Did you look at the emonTx Shield? https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware/tree/master/emonTxSh...
You'll need to integrate the standard emonTx pulse example into this though.
Re: Sketch for 4CT, temp and pulse
Yes, I saw those fw, but I don't see any description of what they do. Inside the code, I can see that the emonTxShield_CT1234_Voltage.ino is for real measure (using a 9v AC AC adapter as I will do), but I can't see anything related to pulse meter.
Re: Sketch for 4CT, temp and pulse
You'll need to integrate the standard emonTx pulse example into the Shield example. You take the parts of the pulse sketch that don't exist in the shield sketch and transplant them into similar places.