DIY CT sensor to detect if machine is turned on.

Hi, I am trying to see if I can build myself some CT sensors to save some money.

The objective is to detect if a machine is turned on or off, I dont need to know the exact current.

I have successfully build a CT sensor which i can conect to the analog pin with the voltage dividir + capacitor and read that something is connected.

however, my objective is to be able to detect this using a digital pin (as i am running out of analogs).

Is it possible to build some kind of simple circuit that will output 5V when the machine is running and make it possible to be detected using a digital pin?


Thank you very much.

Guest's picture

Re: DIY CT sensor to detect if machine is turned on.

Go with a current switch from the likes of CR Magnetics, for example. Very clean interface, closes on less than 150mA, non-contact. They may even have a split-core version.

Sergegsx's picture

Re: DIY CT sensor to detect if machine is turned on.

Thanks I didnt know about them, but the idea was to see if its possible to build cheap version of this switches in order to replace the CT sensors for know/constant loads.

So if anyone else knows how to make one of this, the cheap way please help.

thanks anyway Guest.

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