I've made an enclosure for the EmonTx V2.2 which can made at a very low cost, to overcome the issue with the commercial cases to house the electronics.
Besides, a custom case looks a lot smarter, imho. I'm open for suggestions to improve ;-)
Please see ThingiVerse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:65855 for all details and pictures.
Re: Enclosure for EmonTx V2.2
That's really nice - better than the boxes in the shop (am I allowed to say that?)
The only problem with it is, it's tempting me to buy a Rep2!
Re: Enclosure for EmonTx V2.2
The only problem with it is, it's tempting me to buy a Rep2!
Plan B - a friend with a Rep2 is printing me one as I type...
Re: Enclosure for EmonTx V2.2
Hi Guido, looks like you're dutch too (like me). That looks like a very nice case! I have assembled two EmonTx 2.2 nodes and am looking for a case. Can you give me a tip on where to get those printed in holland? or do you offer such a service to a fellow dutchman?
Re: Enclosure for EmonTx V2.2
Very nice! Good work. If you were to get a batch of these printed we would be happy for you to sell them through the shop.
Re: Enclosure for EmonTx V2.2
No response yet from Guido. Is there another way to obtain an enclosure for the emonTX 2.2? I could not find any in the shop?