emontx_lowpower_temperature no Sensor

Hi all,

I be a EMON TX for a week
The emontx_temperature_power I have said so already running

A problem with the emontx_lowpower_temperature here the temperature sensors are not recognized!
Do I have the file still emontx_lowpower_temperature.ino the HEX addresses enter from the temperature sensors?
Or is there a finished sketch where you have to configure anything?

my data
group 210
ID 18
Freq. 868
3 sensors Dallas 18B20



My emontx_temperature_powerneu.ino is running

Robert Wall's picture

Re: emontx_lowpower_temperature no Sensor

Look at this page: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/buildingblocks/DS18B20-temperature-sen...

You need to run the sketch temperature_search.ino one time only to read the HEX addresses of your sensors, then write the numbers into your emontx_lowpower_temperature.ino sketch.

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