Receiving other 868MHz traffic?

Is it possible to receive traffic from other 868MHz nodes with the RFM12b, such as wireless temperature sensors which connect to a weather station? 

PaulOckenden's picture

Re: Receiving other 868MHz traffic?

Yes. Probably easiest using a JeeLink (An RFM12B and Arduino in a USB dongle). Have a look on the forums on the JeeLabs website, there are a few examples.



Drsdre's picture

Re: Receiving other 868MHz traffic?

In particular I would suggest to read up on


There is also a discussion ongoing on the Arduino forum on reading wireless temperature sensors:

o_cee's picture

Re: Receiving other 868MHz traffic?

Thanks. Was a bit more work to it than I would have hoped, so I think it will be a later project. I think it would be possible to read out the data from the weather station as well, it has an USB port :)

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