I have a RaspberryPi connected to my Electricity Counter which send to emoncms, every 5 minutes, the total Enegy consumption index (in Wh, not in kWh)
I would like to obtain the kWh / day value (to calculate the price / day)
Imagine the values are 500000, 500050,501000, 501400, 50300 (evey 5 minutes)
so : 500, 500, 501, 501, 503 kWh
I should obtain 0, then 1, then 1, then 3 for the kWh/day no ?
I try using kwhinc to kwh/d process but I obtain :
0, 500, 1000, 1501, 2002, 2505 (each value is added to the precedent value)
So, this process is made for values wich are already calculated as the difference with the precedent value !
I try using kwh to kwh/d process but the new feed always remains inactive
I really don't undestand how it works !
Re: I don't understant kwhinc to kwh/d process
Hello, sorry the problem I think was that the kwh to kwh/d processor was not working as the current emoncms version does not use the kwhproc table that it uses. I have created a second kwh to kwhd processor that should now work as you expect.
Its at the bottom of the process list, let me know if it works for you.