Problems upgrading

Hi All,


I am having some trouble upgrading. I have installed the latest version of emomCMS, done the migration, and done the setup. My inputs and feeds are there but when I click on Dashboards I got a number of PHP error messages about a missing "Module/Energy/.........php". I didn't think t hat would be necessary to create a dashboard but regardless, I found and installed the Module. Now I am getting error messages about a missing energy Mysql table.

Why has my install gone so poorly? Any ideas on how to get it back on track? Should I reinstall the old version or have the tables now been altered.



ukmoose's picture

Re: Problems upgrading

I think there was a dependency in the last update that shouldn't be there (hence the need to install the module)

Now you have a missing table error, have you run the database update?

Item 3 in

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Problems upgrading

Sorry about this, its fixed now in the latest commit, it doesnt try and load the energy module unless it is installed.

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