There is a Raspberry Pi Kickstarter project nearing its end - so close but needs one last push :-) This could be an ideal add-on for the RaspPi version of emonBASE as it uses the RFM12B (along with other modules) so this could be of interest to the good folk on this forum: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ciseco/eve-alpha-raspberry-pi-wirele...
I have to say I'm nothing to do with the guys behind this but I do like their work and have backed it myself.... be good to see it get past the finish line :-) Enjoy
Re: Raspberry Pi Kickstarter.... so close :-)
Hy there,
Do you got your alpha eve? Can you use it and the rfm12b module ?
Re: Raspberry Pi Kickstarter.... so close :-)
Yup, eve will work with RFM12B. I've not tried it yet though. The RFM12Pi will be an easier solution to setup, since all RFM12B stuff ins handled by the ATtiny http://shop.openenergymonitor.com/raspberry-pi/. We have made a pre-built SD card image for the Pi with emoncms and RFM12Pi ready to go.
If you do use EVE I would be interested to hear how you get on. We work quite closely with CISECO, their good guys.