I just received a rf12b board to put on my raspberry pi. Eager to get it started i setup my rpi according to the wiki. Currently there is no sign of activitiy on the board. How should the board behave? e.g. should the led blink when powered on? Can i test a fake transmission? Any tips on trouble shooting this thing would be greatly appreciated. I'm well versed in linux, but less in electronics...
Thanks for any tips
Re: testing rf12b rpi board
yes - the board will power its led when powered for two seconds and then blink upon every transmission. I program and test every board before I send it, If that is not happening, then it may have been damaged during transportation somehow. Can you post close-up picture of both sides of the board?
Re: testing rf12b rpi board
Thanks for your suggestions. Before, i just connected the board and then powered the rpi, as that boot takes quite some time, i missed the blinking of the led on the board. As per your suggestions, I now first powered the rpi, and when it was running, mounted the board, and sure, the led blinked for 2 seconds. Tonight some more testing.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Re: testing rf12b rpi board
Ok I found the issue.
I didn't start from the rpi image that the instructions mention, but from raspbmc, as my rpi is doubling as mediacenter as well.
There was nothing to fix in /boot/cmdline.txt nor in /etc/inittab. However, there was a file /etc/init/ttyAMA0.conf that made getty start and take the port. Removing the file and rebooting solved it.
Re: testing rf12b rpi board
This is useful information, Thanks