MQTT from feed value

I have a daily min/max(temp) feed and want to publish that to MQTT? I tried, but i am not able to do that? Can someone help me?

Selfhosted, 9.31 | 2016.02.13 on Raspberry Pi

smitt1979's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value

Are you trying to use node red to publish the value to MQTT


kenci's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value

No, haven't tried it with nodered. Is it not possible to make it work with emoncms?

smitt1979's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value

Hi Kenci

I’m not entirely sure what it is you are asking. I’m guessing you're getting the min/max(temp) feed from emoncms.

What are you trying to do with it after that? Are you trying to publish it back to emoncms as a new topic, or publish it to another MQTT server?


kenci's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value

I have a feed where max/min values are saved and want to forward this data to my central mqtt server.

I just want to publish these calculated mix/max temperature data to my mqtt server, and display it on my lcd/gui

smitt1979's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value

Hi Kenci

The only way I can think of is to use Node-Red this is an image of a flow I have setup it connects to my emonpi MQTT and the pass it back to a new topic  should help to get started if you need any more help with setting it up just let me known


pb66's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value

Could you use something like

reset to zero
+feed "MyMaxDailyFeed" 
publish to MQTT /topic/max
reset to zero
+feed "MyMinDailyFeed" 
publish to MQTT /topic/min

tagged on the end of the temperature processlist or any processlist that gets updated frequently enough.


kenci's picture

Re: MQTT from feed value


i tried that out and it works. Good job! However, i am using nodered as it has some nice filter nodes.

Thanks anyway.

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