Optical pulse counter, reading pulse through RPi GPIO pins possible?

Hi all,

Recently I bought the optical pulse counter from OEM, and with some careful reading of the secs it's now "blinking" away. I connected it directly to the GPIO pins of my Raspberry. However, Just ground and power are connected right now, I don't know where I should leave the IRQ1 connection. All I need is to know which pin on the RPi to connect it to so that I can see the pulse when it comes. I can work my way from there. I was planning on programming my own command line interface. Just something simple that gives me a day to day, or hourly, status.

How do I get the pulse into my RPi without further hardware? (Which GPIO pin do I use.)

Eric_AMANN's picture

Re: Optical pulse counter, reading pulse through RPi GPIO pins possible?


Have a look here : http://wiringpi.com/

And here (Appendix B) : https://openenergymonitor.org/emon/opticalpulsesensor



glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Optical pulse counter, reading pulse through RPi GPIO pins possible?

Yup, it's possible. We've done it :-) 

Here is the example firmware for RFM69Pi + Pulse counting:


You will need to compile and upload, see wiki instructions:


You will need to wire pulse counter into INT1. Take a look at the RFM69Pi schematic : 


Zender's picture

Re: Optical pulse counter, reading pulse through RPi GPIO pins possible?

Ah yes, but the solution you mention requires an additional board (RFM969Pi) ... and I was hoping to do this without any additional hardware. My RPi is about a foot away from my meter, so I can plug cables in directly.

Haven't looked into it the last few days, other stuff to do as well. :( But if there are more suggestions, I'm happy to explore them all.


Thanks so much for your help so far!

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