I've had enough of not being able to "fix" local phpfiXa data as I get various spikes and the removespike stuff just doesn't work. I read that the editRealtime/editDaily visualisations are disabled and then reading the code I notice it only actually works on mysql.
My data volumes really don't need magic optimised storage and I have enough mysql tuning experience (call it suffering) from my working life to be happy playing there.
Is there anyway to move my data from the existing php* feeds into MySQL ? I haven't yet found a description of the MySQL tables structure and while I am happy to go play I don't want to duplicate work if it's already done.
Re: Move local php data to mysql?
Forget that, looks like I can't use MySQL for any of the calculated feeds anyway.
Re: Move local php data to mysql?
What kind of feeds are you trying to correct, is this on an emonpi? running the standard low-write configuration? What kind of errors do you get when you run the removespike script?
Re: Move local php data to mysql?
This is on my local Linux install.
I think I've now worked this out. Luser error - I may have forgotten to sudo and the permission denied scrolled off screen immediately. Perhaps one change would be to exit immediately after a permission failure on the file?