Installing emoncms in the Raspberri Pi2 and store data to a USB hard drive (no internet)

I have successfully assembled and Im able to monitor my power consumption on however, im looking for a way to run it locally on a raspberry 2 (ubuntu), I already went to read the linux installation guide on

Several questions come to my mind, but the most important is this one:

The original SD card that was shipped to me from the emonstore has a script where I had to edit my account API key and just like that everything works as intended (on;  If I decide to install debian/ubuntu on that same SD card, and then follow the steps in the Linux installation guide... then... Can it actually save the data to de database without an internet connection and use localhost to check my graphs?? if not, how can I accomplish this?

The script in the prebuilt SD card does this process to post the data online however, i cant see this working without it

All i want to be able to do is use localhost/emoncms to access the application on my browser that will be showing the data stored to my external USB Harddrive, all of this without an internet connection (no ethernet nor Wifi just linux and the emonTx 3.4)

Thanks in advance. 

pb66's picture

Re: Installing emoncms in the Raspberri Pi2 and store data to a USB hard drive (no internet)

if your data is coming via a rfm network then you should use emonHub to interface the RFM2Pi and then emonHub can deliver the data to emonCMS on the same machine via the localhost url, no network required.

The script you mention to add your account apikey to works exactly the same way for a local install, you just need the apikey from your local install and set the "url" to http://localhost/emoncms rather than

emonHub will work just as well on ubuntu, just keep it in mind when following any guides the majority of OEM users use Raspbian so the guides can be a bit biased, so may need tweaking.

Emonhub installation/update tells you how to install emonHub (on Raspbian) 


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