emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

hi there,

i have a small problem. my openenergy solution won't work.

the installation contains

- emonBase (RaspberryPi + RFM69Pi 433MHz)
-emonTX V2 + RFM69 433MHz, node 10, group 210

On emonbase i have installed the newest SD Image from 17th June.   i have compiled new sketch with the option "#define RF69_COMPAT 1"  and so the emonTX got the emonTx_CT123_Voltage  optimized sketch. My Oscilloscope showed activity on both RFM69's. So far so good.  ...but..
..all nodes a inactive and emonHUB logged this entries, see below one example:

2015-09-11 08:26:03,049 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 181 13 95 236 122 140 112 72 166 102 247 161 124 53 175 72 119 127 250 245 19 (-75) 2015-09-11 08:26:04,186 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 176 131 230 193 182 237 45 207 234 227 101 58 87 147 56 141 203 223 9 255 252 (-74) 2015-09-11 08:26:05,018 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 52 76 59 202 72 40 108 174 126 108 183 242 51 42 126 180 72 17 238 124 166 (-74) 2015-09-11 08:26:10,151 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 145 126 223 182 47 92 134 209 71 77 106 124 124 226 96 184 135 157 175 84 236 (-76) 2015-09-11 08:26:18,815 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 170 228 228 166 209 214 55 235 215 180 135 38 52 13 26 81 (-77) 2015-09-11 08:26:22,081 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 163 229 191 61 106 223 71 144 169 87 162 180 2 171 205 227 116 71 247 29 58 (-76) 2015-09-11 08:26:22,713 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 62 250 134 57 188 169 132 178 230 225 164 204 153 105 175 142 3 124 146 137 28 (-74) 2015-09-11 08:26:26,693 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 161 177 75 39 218 22 5 74 174 231 212 247 193 70 81 190 136 221 11 191 1 (-75) 2015-09-11 08:26:34,489 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 167 23 15 38 15 6 116 78 251 229 65 242 23 250 102 167 237 206 174 253 239 (-77) 2015-09-11 08:26:36,524 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 161 119 72 6 250 57 80 254 241 217 79 176 151 160 215 74 65 172 158 166 5 (-75) 2015-09-11 08:26:39,689 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 131 131 20 165 244 185 30 9 195 145 169 75 83 140 18 24 199 61 229 188 230 (-76) 2015-09-11 08:26:49,819 DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? 139 253 68 158 141 213 179 68 26 21 193 90 192 118 55 126 212 138 94 103 40 (-76)

i don't know  what to think.. what is the problem?




pb66's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

Hi Jan

The logging you attached only tells us you have a lot of invalid stuff being picked up on the network, probably noise looking at the rssi values.

Can you set "quiet = true" in emonhub.conf and provide a better log with some info on what is or isn't happening, please sort the line wrapping or attach a .txt file rather than an unwrapped text block please.

Can you also confirm which sketch you are using with a url for it and have you confirmed any thing is happening on the v2 using the IDE's serial console after uploading the sketch?


jan04's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

hi Paul,

tnks for quickly replay. yes, i set up the "quiet=true" option like  your advised. here you are a short cut from about  last 5 log mins, see att. i hope its right so

the sketch i have downloaded yesterday here



[There is no need to copy your post 3 times - please READ the top forum topic on the right. Duplicates deleted.]

Robert Wall's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

i have compiled new sketch with the option "#define RF69_COMPAT 1"

There's an error in the sketch - #define RF69_COMPAT 0 appears twice. Delete one of those and ensure the remaining one is set as you require.

(It does not give an error at compile time, and if you have only changed the first occurrence, the emonTx will lock up and not transmit anything. That might explain the meaningless noise you see. I've flagged the problem to Glyn.)

pb66's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

Unfortunately the log still doesn't show any useful info, setting "quiet = True" roughly translates to "tell the rfm2pi module to discard any packets starting with a question mark" So either emonHub isn't sending that command, it isn't reaching the rfm2pi or the rfm2pi is ignoring the command.

None of these possibilities can be determined from a list of bad packets that shouldn't be there, you need to either scroll back to find relative info or better still reboot, this will empty the logs on a read-only OS and when the Pi has rebooted get the emonhub.log from the start to where there are only "DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'?" entries (only the non-DEBUG RFM2Pi Discarding RX frame 'unreliable content'? stuff is useful), this should show whether the serial connection is ok ( I assume it is as you receive data albeit bad data) it will hopefully show the settings and whether there is a response to the "q1" command.

Just to be sure, I assume you have set the quiet mode in [interfacers][[RFM2Pi]][[[runtimesettings]]] in emonhub.conf.

Are you using the default rfm69pi firmware? have you used any update/upgrade routines from within emoncms? (If you haven't - don't as the emonpi image may try to write the emonpi firmware to the rfm69pi, I'm not sure if or how it has been safeguarded against at the moment) 


jan04's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

hi Paul,

tnks for your help. indeed there two entries about rf69.  i have compiled a new sketch. the nodes still inactive but the emonhub logs indicated  new information. i have attached the new emonhub.log and emonupdate.log . i hope its more suitable information in the files. tnks

sorry for dublicated posting

rg jan

pb66's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

Some info from the log

Line 10 - "2015-09-09 05:17:45,429 INFO MainThread Setting RFM2Pi quiet: 0 (0q)" tells us emonhub does not consider "quiet" as set, 0 is false, 0q is the command to be sent to the rfm69pi saying "turn quiet mode off" 

Line 23 - "2015-09-09 05:17:48,573 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: E i5 g210 @ 433 MHz" tells us the current configuration and the absence of a trailing "1q" tells us quiet mode isn't currently set.

Line 32 - "2015-09-09 05:17:49,023 DEBUG RFM2Pi acknowledged command: > 0q" in emonhub logging the acknowledgment from the rfm2pi, of receiving the command "0q"

Line 33 - "2015-09-09 05:17:49,131 DEBUG RFM2Pi device settings updated: E i5 g210 @ 433 MHz" shows that command was ignored confirms quiet mode is still inactive as there is still no trailing "1q"

EDIT - The issue seems to be emonhub is not processing the "quiet = " setting.

So it looks like an issue in the rfm69pi firmware, is also causing the lines 36 to 47 show the "usa" command "1p" is not recognised by the firmware and therefore printing the help text. that setting is for the emonpi only (AFAIK)

Line 51 - "2015-09-09 05:17:53,352 DEBUG RFM2Pi 8 NEW FRAME : OK 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 (-18)" shows node 10 is arriving at emonHub...But

Line 52 - "2015-09-09 05:17:53,388 WARNING RFM2Pi 8 Scales ['1', '1', '1', '1', '0.01', '0.1', '0.1', '0.1', '0.1', '0.1', '0.1', '1'] for RX data : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0] not suitable" tells us it has been rejected because the 12 scales do not fit the 8 values. Try setting "scales = 1, 1, 1, 0.01", this should work if the correct "datacodes = h, h, h, h" are set as the payload for that sketch is power1. power2, power3, voltage(x100), all signed ints.

Correcting the node meta in the [nodes] section of emonhub.conf should get you some data flowing but it looks like there are some issues in the rfm69pi firmware too.


jan04's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

Thanks Paul,

that seemed to be the trick. The node 10 is now active.

i used followed config:

  nodename = emonTx_1
firmware = ""
hardware = ""
       names = power1, power2, power3, power4                                        
       datacode = h   
scales = 1,1,1,0.01
units = W,W,W,V





pb66's picture

Re: emonBase and emonTX V2 won't work in tandem

No problem.

The configuration looks good, it's ok use "datacode =" in place of "datacodes =" to define every variable the same datacode. Why have you called the AC voltage value power4 ?

You could also delete the "calibration = 230V #(UK/EU: 230V, US: 110V)" or similar line from the rfm2pi settings in emonhub.conf to remove the attempt to set the emonpi to use mode to tidy up the starting but it's not essential.


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