Json bulk date wrong



Can someone telling me what is wrong with this bulk upload?:



Or are to many values?


Thank you!

Edit - masked apikey - BT

pb66's picture

Re: Json bulk date wrong

It not too many frames, emonhub can post up to 250 in one go and I haven't heard of anyone having issues with too many values in a frame that I recall.

Assuming "DOMAIN" includes "/emoncms" if your server requires it and the frames are all from node1.It maybe the time offset, I believe the leading value of each frame should be a negative value to indicate the duration prior to the "time=" value ie if the "time=" value is time of posting the leading value would indicate how old the frames are in relation to the posting time.

Positive numbers as far as I know are relative to 00:00:00 01/01/1970 rather than the accompanying "time=" 

unique24's picture

Re: Json bulk date wrong

I upload with Java and there I have the milliseconds time.

I try to change to negative offset.


Thank you!

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