Typo in bufferedwrite install instructions

I have followed the instructions to install emoncms on a RPi2 but have found the root dir needs to be rw for things to work.  The error logs suggest an issue with php not being able to write session stuff.  Looking back over the install instructions the session.save_path variable is set to "/tmp", but there is still a ';' at the front of it.  Removing this seems to allow correct operation with the disk mounted ro.

I could attempt to make a pull request in git, but thought best to check here first.


Find line:

; session.save_path = "/var/lib/php5"

change to:

; session.save_path = "/tmp"

pb's picture

Re: Typo in bufferedwrite install instructions

I have attempted to create a pull request (https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms/pull/316) for this change, but I am very new to the git/github thing.  Hopefully the way I have done it is correct (and the changes is warranted).

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Typo in bufferedwrite install instructions

Thanks pb, just merged the pull request

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