Accumulated consumption not displayed on the graphs


I have a home monitoring emoncms installation with:

2 emontx

Emontx1: PPC Consumption, Cooker Cosnumption, Corridor Temp sensor

Emontx2: AC consumption, PV production, SolarHot water Temp sensor

Several TinyTX (Thanks Nathan) wireless Temp & Temp/Humidity Sensors

2 EmonGLCD with the PV scetch


The Emonbase is built on an Arduino Uno and everything is sent to my Ubuntu 14.04 with emoncms  v8.4.0.

I started about a year ago with a couple of CT’s and since then I keep expanding the setup.

Recently, probably after an upgrade inoticed that I don’t have the accumulated consumption/production value (with red in the upper left corner of the first attachment).


That does not appear anymore even if a select a period or drop/recreate the db or even if a use an older verison where it used to work.

My feeds are PHPFIWA.

I’m also trying to find out how I can make my EmonGLCD OV sketch to display PV production measured by my second emontx that I vahe on the roof. Instead it display’s the “Cooker” consumption I’m using with a CT of the first emontx.


Any help will be appreciated.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Accumulated consumption not displayed on the graphs

I can't answer the emoncms part, but I think I can the GLCD.

The GLCD receives its data from the emonTx, NOT from the base. You need to replicate the code that receives the message from the No.1 emonTx and change the Node ID to that of the second emonTX, that will give you access to the variables that the second is sending.

You have a payload struct defined, and there's an instance of it "emontx" for the first one, you need to add a second by making that line "PayloadTX emontx, emontx2";
Then, in the receive loop you have

"if (node_id == 10) {emontx = *(PayloadTX*) rf12_data; last_emontx = millis();}"

That's the bit you replicate (put the correct Node ID!):

"if (node_id == 11) {emontx2 = *(PayloadTX*) rf12_data; last_emontx = millis();}

and then you access the No.2's variables like emontx2.power1, etc.

Kakourgos's picture

Re: Accumulated consumption not displayed on the graphs

Thanks Robert,

I changed it in both emonglcd's and it compiled/loaded ok. Though i will verify it really shows the PV production tomorrow morning.



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