Newbie: wifi trouble emonSD-26-02-15.

Hello All,

Received my emonTx Arduino Shield 2 days ago and the power measuring is working great.

Next step is to connect it to raspberry pi (b+).
My linux skills are really basic, so maybe this is a very stupid question
I downloaded the pre-installed image of emonSD-26-02-15. 
I have a usb wifi dongle connected to the raspberry pi, and wanted to setup ssid en password.
after editing "sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf" trying to save the file, I get the error "read-only file system"

How can i edit this file? Or make the file system writable?

Thanks in advanced

JD's picture

Re: Newbie: wifi trouble emonSD-26-02-15.

First execute the command "rpi-rw"

That will enable read-write mode on the SD card.  After you are done, execute "rpi-ro".


pimmernl's picture

Re: Newbie: wifi trouble emonSD-26-02-15.

Thanks! that did the job

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