Hi guys,
is there any chance to make a widget for an input field for text or numbers?
The further handling in the js-file is the next step. But I am thinking since a few days, how to transfer the value to the code.
For example: in the button widget there is called a function on click.
function button_events()
$('.button').on("click", function(event) {....
Is there something similiar, hat gives back the value of an input field?
Any hints or ideas are appreciated....
I also made some attempts with a dashboard-textfield, inserting in the html-code something like this:
<form action="input_text.htm">
<p>Input-Field:<br><input name="inVal_01" size="30" maxlength="30" type="text"></p>
As a result I get a textbox, where I can type in a text, but I really have no idea how to work with this input.
Maybe that this idea is a dead end :-(
Re: alphanumeric input-field in dashboards possible?
no more help needed.
Found a solution with HTML-form and javascript in a textbox