EmonTx V3 upgrade to 3.4 firmware


Not sure if this is a hardware or software question,  I was trying to upgrade my EmonTx V3 (purchased in Oct 2014) which originally had the V 1.3 version of EmonTx firmware. I was trying to upload the https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware/blob/master/emonTxV3/RFM12B/emonTxV3_4_RFM12B_DiscreteSampling/emonTxV3_4_RFM12B_DiscreteSampling.ino stretch and after that, I saw in the serial monitor that the EmonTx program ran, but hang after it gave this output:


emonTx V3 DS V1.4 RFM12B
POST.....wait 10s

the LED is on when it is hanging. Not sure what's going on and whether my EmonTx could use the V3_4 version.

On a side note, I was able to upload the https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware/blob/master/emonTxV3/RFM12B/emonTxV3_RFM12B_DiscreteSampling/emonTxV3_RFM12B_DiscreteSampling.ino stretch and it works. 


Any idea or insights? Much appreciated.





Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonTx V3 upgrade to 3.4 firmware

Yes, you need to go back to the V3.2 version. The V3.4 uses the RFM69CW radio and the library software for that is not compatible with the RFu328P used in the V3.2.

Other than that, the sketches are identical, so there was no need to, or advantage in, upgrading anyway.

amailtoaben's picture

Re: EmonTx V3 upgrade to 3.4 firmware

Thanks Robert!

Just want to clarify, the version on github I thought it said V3, and in the sketch, it said 1.3. This is what you referred as 3.2? This is the github link: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTxFirmware/blob/master/emonTxV3/RFM12B/emonTxV3_RFM12B_DiscreteSampling/emonTxV3_RFM12B_DiscreteSampling.ino


Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonTx V3 upgrade to 3.4 firmware

The version numbers refer to the HARDWARE, not the sketch. Get the version from Github for the emonTx V3 - RFM12B - V3


The problem is with the libraries and the Radios:

If you have an emonTx with a SMT or DIL ATmega328 processor and a RFM12B radio, you must use the JeeLib library and you can "#define RF69_COMPAT 0" or not define it at all.
If you have an emonTx with a SMT ATmega328 processor and a RFM69CW radio, you must use the latest JeeLib library and you should "#define RF69_COMPAT 1"
If you have an emonTx with a RFμ328 processor and a RFM12B radio, you must use the RFu_JeeLib library.

Eric_AMANN's picture

Re: EmonTx V3 upgrade to 3.4 firmware


If I understand you well, I can upload the emonTxV3_4_DiscreteSampling sketch on my Emontx V3.2 if I use "#define RF69_COMPAT 0".

Am I right ?

EDIT : I tryed but its fails. Even if I use the RFu_JeeLib

--> I will use the emonTxV3_2_DiscreteSampling sketch


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