Great work guys, the new Dashboard and API is excellent.

I followed your Using Emoncms guide and built two Dashboards with real feeds on my own server in a few minutes. They look great, the extended features set is really cool. Also, its very easy to add to external page example of code: <iframe style="width: 920px; height: 380px;" src="http://cms.mysite.com/dashboard/view?id=1&embed=1" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="300"></iframe>.

Only issue is it asks for login whereas I want it visible to everyone visiting web page, plus I don't want people to be able to register.


Thanks again


P.S. Downloaded lastest EMONCMS 25July


Larsjo's picture


 You can point to your dashboard with this url:

http://(yourpage)/Vis/Dashboard/embed.php?apikey=(your read api key)&id=(dashboard nr.)


Your can see the url when you previewe your dashboard, and then just add the api read key.



TrystanLea's picture


Hello Peter

If you download yesterday's commit that should sort the issue of allowing people to see the public dashboard without logging in. If you go into index.php change line 75 from:

if (!$controller) {$controller = "user"; $action = "login";}


if (!$controller) {$controller = "username"; $action = "dashboardalias";}

It will automatically load your public dashboards as the front page.

Best way to disable user creation is to change line 75 of user_controller.php from:

elseif ($action == 'create')


elseif ($action == 'create' && $_SESSION['write'])

that will give only perimissions to already registered to create new accounts. 

Larsjo: the new dashboard URL location is different it is no longer at Vis/Dashboard/embed, it is as peter describes but thanks for trying to help.



PeterN's picture


Hi Trystan. Tried changing index.php in dashboard folder as you suggested with.

if (!$controller) {$controller = "username"; $action = "dashboardalias";}

 No luck screen bank where dashboard should be. Should I use my usename or as above?? Tried a few variations but no Joy.

At your convience, know your very busy with new release.






PeterN's picture


Tried adding apikey to code below and works fine in my  external web page even when logged out on cms, will test further tomorrow and post results.

<iframe style="width: 920px; height: 480px;" src="http://cms.wedo.ie/dashboard/view?id=1&apikey=36ab8d16340c2c9cc96d67c8xxxxxxxx&embed=1" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="300"></iframe>

Cheers and good night.



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