
If I already set the variables as float before sending them to the ethernet side. therefore do i need to use the array to change them to float??

Drsdre's picture

Re: Ethernet

However you change the variables you send from EmonTX to EmonBase (and to EmonGL), just make sure that the struct of the payload is defined in the same way in all sketches, see:


typedef struct { int power1, power2, power3, voltage; } PayloadTX;
PayloadTX emontx;
glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Ethernet

We have been simply sending power data as integers (reading down to 1W is more than enough resolution), with temperature data we multiply the float by 100 to make an integer then multiply by 0.01 on either the emonBase or in emoncms to revert back to the correct value. 

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