I had some troubles with negative spikes on odd occasions (even with checks on my sketches and such) and wanted to know if it would be a bad idea to simply change the input_controller.php file and add a check that ignores data below a set value?
I made some adjustments to the .php already (the bold section) and it seems to work fine, below are the changes i made to the if($datain!="") function.
i don't need values below 200 anyways and i don't feel like having to remove the spikes every now and then. Also would i be possible for me to create a process for the input that only allows values between two points to make changes to logged feeds? i'm kinda new to all this stuff :P
if ($datain!="")
$json = preg_replace('/[^\w\s-.:,]/','',$datain);
$datapairs = explode(',', $json);
$csvi = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count($datapairs); $i++)
$keyvalue = explode(':', $datapairs[$i]);
if (isset($keyvalue[1])) {
if ($keyvalue[0]=='') {$valid = false; $error = "Format error, json key missing or invalid character"; }
if (!is_numeric($keyvalue[1])) {$valid = false; $error = "Format error, json value is not numeric"; }
$data[$keyvalue[0]] = (float) $keyvalue[1];
} else {
if (!is_numeric($keyvalue[0])) {$valid = false; $error = "Format error: csv value is not numeric"; }
$data[$csvi+1] = (float) $keyvalue[0];
$csvi ++;
$userid = $session['userid'];
$dbinputs = $input->get_inputs($userid);
$tmp = array();
foreach ($data as $name => $value)
if ($value < -200)
$valid = false;
$error = "Bad Data Recieved";
if (!isset($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name])) {
$inputid = $input->create_input($userid, $nodeid, $name);
$dbinputs[$nodeid][$name] = true;
$dbinputs[$nodeid][$name] = array('id'=>$inputid);
} else {
$inputid = $dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['id'];
if ($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['processList']) $tmp[] = array('value'=>$value,'processList'=>$dbinputs[$nodeid][$name]['processList']);
foreach ($tmp as $i) $process->input($time,$i['value'],$i['processList']);
$valid = false; $error = "Request contains no data via csv, json or data tag";
if ($valid)
$result = 'ok';
$result = "Error: $error\n";
Re: Blocking Spikes
Most of us use emoncms to record different types of data, power, energy, temperature, wind speed etc, and therefore the global -200 limit would block us recording, say for example solar power export which could be -3000 or more. That's why I suggested in your last posting to impose limits in your emontx/emonth just for the DS18B20 temperature node, which would enable emoncms to record the full range of data - should you need to.
However, if you only ever intend to record temperature readings in emoncms, and it works for you, then that's fine, add the filter in emoncms.
Re: Blocking Spikes
Thanks Paul,
Yeah i'm only monitoring temperatures at the moment so i figured it would be a quick fix as it is only one feed that keeps giving me the issues. In the long run i should probably figure out why it gives the spikes.
Would it be possible to make a process i could add to the input which blocks value outside given limits and therefore not update a logged feed, similar to the "allow positive/negative"? I don't want to start reading all the code etc only to find out its not possible ^_^
Re: Blocking Spikes
I'm not aware of such a process already written, but you could give it a try if you wish.
I've written 2 processes, and found the emoncms architecture quite difficult to follow, as you have to add code to (if I recall) 3 different modules.
It's far easier to add a conditional statement to the emontx/th.
Re: Blocking Spikes
Check this post: