Using SCADA and commercial energy meters

Hi, I'm managing a project to roll out a series of Energy Meters for several of our sites.  These meters will something similar to the Accuvim II meters (  The meters will be connected to our SCADA network RTUs via RS-485 Modbus.  They will not be web-accessible due to security.

These meters can measure multiple operational power registers.

Our sites are spread geographically, and we monitor them with a radio SCADA network.

The emonCMS system might make a great platform for my system requirements.  I'm a supporter of open-source and like to promote its use in corporate environments, and feed-back the benefits.

I might be able to contribute some development resources, if the project is interested, one of my requirements is to correlate other data types such as pumped litres per second, motor runtimes, weather, rainfall, calendar events (holidays) etc into the power use charts.

Multi-site, and Multi-user support is needed.  Mapping is required as well, something like Google Chart Geomap.

Has anyone else tried using commercially available energy meters like these with emonCMS?

mountaindude's picture

Re: Using SCADA and commercial energy meters

Maybe not exactly what you are looking at, but I am successfully pulling data from several different energy meters using RS-485 (no radio SCADA, sorry), aggregating in a small Arduino-clone with RFM12 rf module, then sending to a similar Arduino node that collects sensor data from various tx nodes around the house here. The collected data has so far been stored directly in a SQL db, but I am now investigating a move to use emoncms for storage and viewing. 

But to be honest it sounds like you ambitions are a bit higher than where emoncms currently is... IMHO. But hey with some of the current data portability work going on in the emoncms community, you might have something useful.

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Using SCADA and commercial energy meters

Hello emdan, emoncms does have multi user functionality and multiple dashboards functionality that could be used with multiple sites. I know a few people are either using it for this or are developing businesses doing this kind of work using emoncms. 

Certainly interested in having your help in making it better.

sweatherholt's picture

Re: Using SCADA and commercial energy meters

I am currently using a device that will act as a gateway for bacnet, niagara and modbus using a service called an emonpush. I can use this remotely via hotspot for commercial building analysis. Works Great!

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