count down timmer program

i have downloaded this program  it is in minuets and seconds    00:00   MM:SS

i want to change it to seconds  and milliseconds     00:00     SS:mS mS

how easy will it be i am just getting into programming and have made 4 projects  from getting started with arduino

i am farely old and did not grow up with computers at school

here is the program  i have

//constants for Control Pin

int controlPin = 13;
char currentTimeValue[4];
int currentState = 1;
int timerSeconds = 0;
int lpcnt = 0;

//define the keypad
const byte rows = 4;
const byte cols = 4;
char keys[rows][cols] = {


byte rowPins[rows] = {11,10,9,8};
byte colPins[cols] = {7,6,5,4};
Keypad keypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, rows, cols);
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F,20,4); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line

void setup()
 lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd

 // Print a message to the LCD.

 //display main screen

 //setup and turn off relay
 pinMode(controlPin, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(controlPin, LOW);

 //setup default time to 00:00

void loop()
 int l;
 char tempVal[3];
 char key = keypad.getKey();

 //key pressed and state is 1
 if (int(key) != 0 and currentState == 1) {

 switch (key) {
 case '*':
 currentState = 1;

 lpcnt = 0;
 timerSeconds = 0;

 case '#':
 tempVal[0] = currentTimeValue[0];
 tempVal[1] = currentTimeValue[1];
 tempVal[2] = 0;

 timerSeconds = atol(tempVal) * 60;

 tempVal[0] = currentTimeValue[2];
 tempVal[1] = currentTimeValue[3];
 tempVal[2] = 0;

 timerSeconds = timerSeconds + atol(tempVal);
 currentState = 2;

 currentTimeValue[0] = currentTimeValue[1];
 currentTimeValue[1] = currentTimeValue[2];
 currentTimeValue[2] = currentTimeValue[3];
 currentTimeValue[3] = key;

 if (currentState == 2) {
 if (int(key) != 0) {
 if (key == '*') {
 currentState = 1;
 lpcnt = 0;
 timerSeconds = 0;
 } else {

 if (lpcnt > 9) {
 lpcnt = 0;

 if (timerSeconds <= 0) {
 currentState = 1;
 } else {


void showEnteredTime()
void relayStatus(bool state)
 if (state)
 digitalWrite(controlPin, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(controlPin, LOW);
void showCountdown()
 char timest[6];\

 lcd.print("** COUNTING DOWN **");
 lcd.print("** ");
 sprintf(timest, "%d:%.2d", (timerSeconds/60), (timerSeconds - ((timerSeconds/60)*60)));
 lcd.print(" **");


void displayCodeEntryScreen()
 lcd.print("Let's Make It Count");
 lcd.print("Down Time...");
 lcd.print("Enter Time mm:ss:");

void clearScreen()
 lcd.print(" ");
 lcd.print(" ");
 lcd.print(" ");
 lcd.print(" ");


Paul Reed's picture

Re: count down timmer program

Hi Warren. You may want to post your question in a forum which deals with general programming issues, rather than this one which is quite specific. I would try which I often use for general support.

Paul - forum moderator

Robert Wall's picture

Re: count down timmer program

Paul - you're a rotter! I'd just written a reply saying it would be difficult to do it accurately, and he'd be better asking on an Arduino forum, and I lost it!

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