Power to kWh/d problem

Hi All

I have emoncms up & running but have a problem with displaying graphical data on Power to kWh/d.

The updating value  appears in my  'Feeds' but the data only shows in the Bar graph with nothing showing in either Real-time or Raw data graphs since monitoring began.

This same data is also missing from the dial display - kWh displays OK but not kWh/d

All other graphical functions appear to be working OK.

Is anyone else experiencing the same problem or am I missing something?

Also, any news on the +/- (centre zero) dial for exported/imported grid power raised in an earlier post?





Lloyd's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

Have just posted the code changes required  for centre zero in the other post (but the spam filter stops me posting a link to it.



TrystanLea's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

Hello, have you selected log to a feed in addition to power to kWhd?

Lloyd: Thats strange, posting links usually work, could you try again?


Lloyd's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

Trying again, here is the post with the centre zero dial code in.



Lloyd's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

This time no trouble with the hyperlink. Before I had to complete a captcha, which  I may have got wrong of course.  This time, it allowed me to post with no issues at all, and no captcha.


Lloyd's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

Was the original issue ever resolved?  


I have emoncms up & running but have a problem with displaying graphical data on Power to kWh/d.

The updating value  appears in my  'Feeds' but the data only shows in the Bar graph with nothing showing in either Real-time or Raw data graphs since monitoring began.

This same data is also missing from the dial display - kWh displays OK but not kWh/d

All other graphical functions appear to be working OK.

I'm suffering with the same problem myself - everything else works, just Kwh/d feeds don't plot on real-time or raw.





mharizanov's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

Lloyd, did you modify the code so that it takes the correct FEEDID?



<div class="widget-container-nc">
 <h2>Energy explorer</h2>
 <iframe style="width:645px; height:470px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://zzzzzz/emon/Vis/kWhdZoomer/kwhdzoomer.php?apikey=zzzzzzzzzz&amp;kwhd=5&amp;power=1">
Lloyd's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

It is not kwhdzoomer that is the issue, but the standard graphs available via the feeds page. Is there something special about the way kwhd data is stored?


dominator99's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

My original query on 10/4/2012:

I have emoncms up & running but have a problem with displaying graphical data on Power to kWh/d.

The updating value  appears in my  'Feeds' but the data only shows in the Bar graph with nothing showing in either Real-time or Raw data graphs since monitoring began.

This same data is also missing from the dial display - kWh displays OK but not kWh/d

All other graphical functions appear to be working OK.

Has anyone experienced this same problem, apart from myself & Lloyd as I'm no closer to a solution.

In addition I've noticed that the 'size' of both my 'kWhd_solar' & 'kWhd_grid'  feeds in the 'feeds' screen stay fixed at 1.1kiB although their 'value' increases over time.

Also, I can't get the Dashboard Energy Explorer to display any data; radio buttons, date/time are showing but the area for graphing is blank!!

On the multigraph display I can plot kWh & kWhd but whereas the kWh plot lists the value on the vertical axis in kWh (cumulative)  in multiples of 10kW the kWhd displays W in multiples of 1000W on the vertical axis & neither correspond with the daily figure listed on my GLCD (kWh today figure).  Also, the 'left vs right' section shows 2 vertical axes when both columns (left & right) have an entry but the left column is shown on the right of the two axes & vice versa?? - very confusing

I think it was John Cantor's multigraph that showed the vertical axes on the left & right hand side of the main multigraph plot, as expected

Finally, would it be possible to produce a comprehensive explanation of how to set up 'feeds' from 'inputs'  for beginners like me so maybe I can see where I'm going wrong

I'm sorry if all the above seems a bit 'picky' but it's frustrating not to be able to produce the expected results.


EnergyRnR's picture

Re: Power to kWh/d problem

 I'm seeing this also, so I'm interested to hear whether you've solved it. I had the Energy explorer working but not, no graphs are showing for either the power, kWh, or kWhd Feeds ; OR in the dashboard even though I can see the feed data incrementing.....

not sure how to debug from here.


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