Event module: I do not receive any email alert



I setup some events that trigger an email to my gmail adress. Problem is that either when I press the "Test" button or when my event is true, I do not receive any email. May-be I need to setup something somewhre (smtp etc)?? or may-be something on my Pi


thanks for any hint

darrepac's picture

Re: Event module: I do not receive any email alert


Robert Wall's picture

Re: Event module: I do not receive any email alert

Have you tried to search for "Events Module"?  Is anything in here helpful?

JD's picture

Re: Event module: I do not receive any email alert

Having the same problem here, email not sent!

I am running the low write load ready-to-go image dated 7-28-14 locally on a Pi.  I added the event module using 

git clone https://github.com/emoncms/event.git

Nothing in the above link helped me out, although I'm a noob and may have overlooked something!

Thanks JD


JD's picture

Re: Event module: I do not receive any email alert

OK I solved my own problems, which were mostly self-caused!  Here is what I learned in case anyone else is in this spot:

1. The low write load version of emoncms vmaster:8.2.8, bufferedwrite:0.0.1 does not appear to have the event module code in the feed_model.php file.  You have to add it by hand copying the lines starting with //Check feed event if event module is installed

Which happens in two places in the non-buffered-write version here

//Check feed event if event module is installed
        if (is_dir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/../event/')) {
            $event = new Event($this->mysqli,$this->redis);

2.  I had grabbed the latest version of the event module on github instead of using the version provided with the recommended git command.  This caused feed errors with the local emoncms, but curiously not on the web emoncms.   In any case the recommended version works: 

git clone https://github.com/emoncms/event.git

3.  In this process the e-mail settings started working again... they may have been working all along but my other problems masked this.

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