Hi all I have a Enasolar gridtie inverter attached to my 4kW solar array and I would like to log the power values from the device direct. It is connected (via wifi) to my local network and I can get xml data out of it. This is an example of the xml feed from right now. 0.027208.30.0236.9997-66.200000000000000000000000000000000
My question is how can I get the first section (watts) into a node so i can log to feed? This would be more accurate as I have load near the inverter which is miles away from the emontx.
Re: Feed from gridtie inverter
Hello Nathan, dont think the XML copied ok there.
I would write a script in python or php that periodically reads from the xml feed and then posts the result on to emoncms.
Here's an example of a python script that reads from a serial port and posts the result to emoncms that might be good starting point: https://github.com/emoncms/development/blob/master/Tutorials/Python/PyLi...