

I upload the power consumption from my Meter.
I have Prozesses:
1. Log to feed
2. Power to kWh
3. Power to kWh/d
4. Histogramm
5. Accumulator

But for 5. He count a lot ... To Much to be real.
Maybe the Position at 5. is the problem?

I also want to add Max and Min. Does it matter in which Position I them add?


unique24's picture

Re: Accumulator

I have a second question!
I get the data from a S0 input.
But now I think I doesnt get Power (W), because each high level of the output are the Power in a hour.
So I think it is Power in a hour. (Wh)

I have 1000 Impuls per each kWh.
So if I have one Impulstime of 3.6 sec, I have 1Wh.

If so, I have to use other process. Right?

Thank you!

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Accumulator

Your question about the pulse input was discussed and answered not long ago. Have you used "Search this site" to find a similar problem to yours?

This is the thread I remembered:

unique24's picture

Re: Accumulator

Hello Robert!


Oh, sorry. Thank you for the link. Guess my english was not good to find this thread.


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