Emoncms version + howto update



I did a RaspberryPi + HDD install following the tutorial on this website few weeks ago.

I am now wondering:

- Where can I get the installed Emoncms version? Where can I get the current Emoncms version on git (stable / beta)?

- How to update? "git pull" will update everything?



darrepac's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update

Any help appreciated

darrepac's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update

So I did a "git pull" in /var/www/emoncms directory... something else to do?

jonrescca's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update


Did you find the upgrading document here: http://emoncms.org/site/docs/upgrading?

I'm still on version 7, so I can't help further if you encounter any issues.


darrepac's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update



Thanks but this upgrade page seems to be dedicated to upgrading from something to V8. I was more talking about day to day update and where to get version number + revision history

Schism's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update

If you use apt, you can look at the debian changelog for version increments (although I'm still working on a way of automatically populating this based on commit messages).

If you're using git, after you do a git pull, you can do git log --decorate to see what commits and tags you just pulled down.

darrepac's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update


So doing an apt-get upgrade + git pull will update all that can be updated?

Schism's picture

Re: Emoncms version + howto update

apt-get upgrade won't alter any part of emoncms unless you installed it that way.

If you cloned from git, you need to change into each directory and do a git pull:


/var/www/emoncms/Modules/raspberrypi (etc. etc.)

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