how to upload timestamped data to emoncms?

does the emoncms api provide a mechanism for specifying the time at which data were collected?

i understand that one can upload data to emoncms like this:


i would like to buffer data at my client, then upload periodically to emoncms, so i would like to associate a timestamp with the data.  for example, i imagine something like this:


where NNNNNNNN is the unix epoch or a formatted UTC time.

does the emoncms provide for this?  or does it only associate the timestamp when it receives data?


powermeister's picture

Re: how to upload timestamped data to emoncms?

in Controllers/api_controller there is code that checks for timestamp if sent by client.  so it looks like this is how to do it:


do not put the timestamp in the json data - it will be treated as an input.

aideen's picture

Re: how to upload timestamped data to emoncms?

Thanks - I needed to upload data with an 'earlier' timestamp too and this was a good pointer.

Note there's a small typo above.  It should read: time=NNNNNNNN

In Perl it looks something like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Date::Parse;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $emon_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $timestamp = str2time("22/feb/2012 16:00");

my $r1 = 3045;

my $key = "your_key_here";

my $emon_url = "http://localhost/emoncms3/api/post?apikey=$key\&time=$timestamp\&json={meter1:$r1}";

my $emon_response = $emon_ua->get($emon_url);

if ($emon_response->is_error) {
        die $emon_response->status_line;

And to check it worked:

mysql> select * from input;
| id | userid | name        | processList | time                | value   | status |
|  1 |      2 | ledcount    | 1:1         | 2012-02-23 15:05:32 |  975537 |      0 |
|  2 |      2 | power       | 1:2,5:3     | 2012-02-23 15:05:48 |     191 |      0 |
|  3 |      2 | temperature | 1:4         | 2012-02-23 15:05:48 |    22.3 |      0 |
|  4 |      2 | apt-3-watts | 1:5,5:6     | 2012-02-23 15:05:52 |       0 |      0 |
|  5 |      2 | apt-6-watts | 1:7,5:8     | 2012-02-23 15:05:52 |    1970 |      0 |
|  6 |      2 | apt-9-watts | 1:9,5:10    | 2012-02-23 15:05:52 |     456 |      0 |
|  7 |      2 | EDS0066temp | 1:11        | 2012-02-23 15:05:01 | 24.1875 |      0 |
|  8 |      2 | meter1      | 1:12        | 2012-02-22 16:00:00 |    3045 |      0 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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