Mk 2 Solar Diverter - Packet size for Landis & Gryr 5254E


am running Robin's Mk2i_PV_Router_rev5b.ino .

my electricity meter is a Landis & Gryr 5254E

is the "packet" size for this meter 1250J

If so, to adjust the sketch to suit is it just a matter of changing the line:-

#define JOULES_PER_WATT_HOUR 3600 // 0.001kWh = 3600 Joules


#define JOULES_PER_WATT_HOUR 1250 // 0.001kWh = 3600 Joules

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Mk 2 Solar Diverter - Packet size for Landis & Gryr 5254E

"is the "packet" size for this meter 1250J"

Possibly not. Looking at the User Manual, it states that the LED flashes every 1 Wh, and the registers are updated to ferro-electric RAM every 10 Wh. That suggests to me that the energy packet is 1 Wh ( 3600 J ). The only way to find out for sure is to leave the sketch as-is and observe the action of the meter. If the register display increments consistently while the energy diverter is in balance, then I'm wrong and you will need to adjust the sketch.

JOULES_PER_WATT_HOUR is indeed what you change.

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