Compile error message with emonGLCD: "In member function 'void GLCD_proxy::sendLCDMessage(byte)':

If you receive an error message when compiling any of the emonGLCD sketches:

[librarypath]\GLCD_proxy.cpp: In member function 'void GLCD_proxy::sendLCDMessage(byte)':
[librarypath]\GLCD_proxy.cpp:183: error: no matching function for call to 'rf12_sendStart(int, byte [66], byte&, int)'

The problem lies in the GLCD library itself. A recent change to JeeLib has meant that the GLCD library calls a non-existent method. Pending a change to GLCDLib, the fix is:

In the GLCDLib directory, in the file GLCD_proxy.cpp, edit line 183

rf12_sendStart(RF12_HDR_ACK, msg, length, 1);

to read

rf12_sendStart(RF12_HDR_ACK, msg, length);

Save the file, restart the Ardino IDE and recompile the sketch.

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Compile error message with emonGLCD: "In member function 'void GLCD_proxy::sendLCDMessage(byte)':

Pull request has been sent to JCW to fix this, see

Thanks Robert

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Compile error message with emonGLCD: "In member function 'void GLCD_proxy::sendLCDMessage(byte)':

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