Default zoom/time on multigraph

My main dashboard has a large multigraph. When I first go to the page, it seems to show a week in the middle of January (possibly my first full week of data). 

I'd really like it to show today's data if possible, or at least the current week. Is there anyway to configure this?



Bra1n's picture

Re: Default zoom/time on multigraph

Login to Emoncms, Go to 'Vis', select 'Multigraph', select the multigraph you want to edit, tick the 'floating time' checkbox, select the view (on the graph) you'd like to show (e.g 'D' for day) then press 'Save' and that should be job done.

cybergibbons's picture

Re: Default zoom/time on multigraph

Thanks - will try this now!

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