Pi w/HDD migration

I have a working local copy of emoncms with raspberry pi.  I started out with an old hard drive and seems like it might be on its way out.  I've seen some docs on how to move emoncms data from the server to a local machine, but I'm curious if there is a method to easily move from one HDD to another.  I tried moving the mysql data, but that didn't seem to be enough.  What else would i need to move to clone my current dataset to a new hard drive (without cloning the entire hdd)?



jonrescca's picture

Re: Pi w/HDD migration


The timestore data is located in /var/lib/timestore. I've never tested an restore of this data on a fresh system though. Anyone had succes with this?

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Pi w/HDD migration

yes a straight copy of the timestore data folder will work fine.

sbeausol's picture

Re: Pi w/HDD migration

Ok, so sounds like /var/lib/mysql and /var/lib/timestore should do it?

jonrescca's picture

Re: Pi w/HDD migration

The mysql database needs to be exported to an sql dump format, so you can import it again. the timestore data is just a file system database. You can dump the emoncms database like this:

mysqldump --user='root' --password='raspberry' emoncms> /home/pi/raspberry.mysql

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