Hi everyone, sorry if this is not the right place to ask, please let me know.
I am wondering if anyone could clear my head on how data should be stored, processed and viewed when dealing with sampling based on unixtime stamps.
The situation is I am saving each energy reading with a column containing the unixtimestamps.
My hosting server is located somewhere in USA, so time difference is around 8 or 9 hours
My location is Israel, so I am +2.
I am saving information in a table named "data" like this
id unix_time datetime energy(w)
1 1391424496 2014-02-03 12:48:40 145
2 1391424506 2014-02-03 12:48:50 150
etc etc
I am doing an INSERT with time() in the query so that sets the unix_time correctly.
When dealing with graphs visualization using fplot,
I belive I am doing it right by setting "localTimezone: true," in the chart.
Now when trying toprocess the data and store it in a "resume" table, things get difficut.
Once very hour, a php runs some code to generate or update values of totals for each day. I want to set a query that will group by days. However, I cant figure out how to define the START and END of the day times.
I guess I will need to only focus on the location of the device to know the start and end of day?
I tried this... (where "B" is the unixtimestamp)
$table_query =
FROM_UNIXTIME((B),'%Y-%m-%d') as date_formatted,
COUNT( B ) AS num_reg_day,
MAX( Apparent_power ) AS consumo_maximo,
MIN( Apparent_power ) AS consumo_minimo,
SUM( Apparent_power ) AS lasuma,
AVG( Apparent_power ) AS lamedia,
AVG(temp_amb) AS meantemperature,
MIN(temp_amb) AS min_temperature,
MAX(temp_amb) AS max_temperature
FROM `data`
WHERE B > $unix_time_start
GROUP BY date_formatted
Could someone help me a little bit? I am very lost.
Dealing with unixstamp, local time and server time
Submitted by Sergegsx on Mon, 03/02/2014 - 10:56Hi everyone, sorry if this is not the right place to ask, please let me know.
I am wondering if anyone could clear my head on how data should be stored, processed and viewed when dealing with sampling based on unixtime stamps.
The situation is I am saving each energy reading with a column containing the unixtimestamps.
My hosting server is located somewhere in USA, so time difference is around 8 or 9 hours
My location is Israel, so I am +2.
I am saving information in a table named "data" like this
id unix_time datetime energy(w)
1 1391424496 2014-02-03 12:48:40 145
2 1391424506 2014-02-03 12:48:50 150
etc etc
I am doing an INSERT with time() in the query so that sets the unix_time correctly.
When dealing with graphs visualization using fplot,
I belive I am doing it right by setting "localTimezone: true," in the chart.
Now when trying to process the data and store it in a "resume" table, things get difficut.
Once very hour, a php runs some code to generate or update values of totals for each day. I want to set a query that will group by days. However, I cant figure out how to define the START and END of the day times.
I guess I will need to only focus on the location of the device to know the start and end of day?
I tried this... (where "B" is the unixtimestamp)
Could someone help me a little bit? I am very lost.
Thank you very much