need information on API

Jérôme's picture

Re: need information on API

Neither can I. What is it supposed to be ?

Robert Wall's picture

Re: need information on API

It's called "Actions and API" and it's last revision was on 17/07/2012.

It begins "The application overview focused on the example of showing a list of a users feeds but of course this is only one of the many actions available in the application."

It's flagged as "Unpublished", and there's probably a good reason for that - I think the API has moved on since July 2012.

batulzii's picture

Re: need information on API

i've done design new metering product and will make it to work with emoncms, any restriction?

TrystanLea's picture

Re: need information on API

Its all open source and everything you need including documentation and links to source code can be found here:

batulzii's picture

Re: need information on API

Emoncms - very usefull in its kind of technology for developers. Thank you ! I studied about   Segmeter, which has Seg Web service-AIko gateway (based on Openwrt). Please, explain me main difference in term of web application. Seg based on Rest service. Our product is meters connected to collector by PLC and collector has 3.5G and WIFI and WAN to the internet.

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